Wednesday, July 7, 2010

School Days

It has been too long since I have had a chance to write.  It has been busy here with people coming  and going, but I think now we have settled in with the Biffart’s and White’s for the next couple of weeks.  We had a great time with the Kasten’s who as I write are on the plane back to Canada.  I can say for certain they all fell in love while they were here.

Today the boys went to school.  At 6:30 am both were up having breakfast and by 7am Beckham was all geared up with his backpack in place, ready to go.  They were escorted by 52 children and so excited that neither of them even said good-bye.  I will just say it was an experience for them.  Both had to take a test, as well as  witness school as they never will in Canada.  Some might think I am crazy sending my kids off this way, but I knew with 52 African friends with them they would be well looked after, which of course they were.

In other news, Owen has begun to pick up a facial expression that the kids here use.  We noticed it tonight and had to laugh!!  I’m sure those of you who see him when we return home will notice it.  He has made so many wonderful friends here and has begun harassing us about extending our stay.  We continue to be asked if we could stay for good and today when we replied that our work is in Canada, we were told we could learn to grow crops!!  Can you just picture us??? 

The other thing we have been doing for the past couple weeks is helping the kids carry water.  There are 3 large water tanks on the property, however, they have run dry which means that everyday water must be fetched from a spring.  Old water jugs and yellow Jerry Cans are carried the 1km walk where everyone waits their turn to fill their container and then make the 1km uphill walk home.  Each child is required to do this two times.  We have enjoyed this time with the kids each day and are all likely a bit stronger for it, however, this has meant that it is 7pm before the kids are eating dinner and even having a chance to think about homework.  Therefore, tomorrow we will purchase a truckload of water that will fill one of the tanks that they can draw from.  We are so thankful we have been here to help during this dry season.    It is hard to believe there are millions in our world who would give anything to be able to walk two kilometers and find clean water.

As I write tonite the men have all gone into Mpigi to watch the Germany vs Spain soccer game.  They took Pastor Geoffrey and Mulumba with them so they should be okayJ  I am off to bed to read!!!

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